Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to Pack a Sportster

I haven't figured it out yet, how to fit two-weeks worth of stuff on a Sportster. This is her... the beauty I'll ride for 2000 miles--a 2004 Harley-Davidson 1200 Roadster. As you can see, there isn't a whole lot of room to put a bag. My feller ordered a duffel that should mount okay on the rear fender, but it hasn't come so it's still a mystery. Which is cool, right? I mean, we still have four days to figure it out!

When we've done road trips in the past, my feller has been on his Road King, which has saddle bags and a rear rack. Plenty of room.

(From a Joshua Tree run last year)

But because it's the 40th Anniversary of Then Came Bronson (an NBC show about a guy cruising the country on a Sportster to escape the pain over his bff's suicide), my feller decided we should both ride Sportsters to commemorate the event, complete with tank badge just like Bronsons.

Of course, I'll need to practice my melancholy face. I need to look full of pain and angst as I ride--which might not be hard to fake considering my seat isn't the most comfortable. But as Bronson would say, "Hang in there, man."

Later gators....

1 comment:

  1. So excited about this blog...hope to read a post every day!!!!
